Thrive and Grow
is a community, a place of growth, inspiration and transformation embedded in the sanctuary of nature’s home and natural seasonal rhythms.
We offer
a place to gather, grow, learn, share and be inspired. A place to plant, tend, care, harvest, cook and enjoy. A place where people gain a connection to the land, work with it, embracing the natural cycles and seasons, being in harmony and creating a sense of personal peace. A place where nature, companionship and creative activity meet, enhancing organic growth for the body, mind, spirit and earth.
A place of love, laughter, fun, joy, smiles and great food! A place where you can breathe in life and it also sticks to your feet! Here you can allow yourself to blossom within the rhythms of the seasons.
We know
that nature offers an amazing therapeutic space that allows us to learn, grow and support others in a variety of creative ways that breaks through barriers to foster healing and transformation. This is a space that is not prescriptive and defined, but fluid and resourceful which reflects and enhances how we can work with people. Nature symbolises human life and reflects back to us our own personal journeys and development. It teaches many lessons and allows the natural processing of emotions.
Tuning into the seasons is something we have become distanced from in our modern society, yet the benefits of being in nature and in tune with the seasons are essential to our wellbeing. Celebrating the seasonal festivals plays an important role in understanding and embracing seasonal meanings and allows focused awareness to develop mindful, positive self-care and healthy living practices.
The positive link between nature and wellbeing is well recognised and researched. Green prescriptions are becoming popular with GPs and awareness is being raised over our time spent on technology. We recognise the importance of time outside, away from our devices, enjoying the fresh air, nature and the seasons.
We are creating
an evolving community where people are invited in and accepted whoever they are, whatever they are feeling. A community where acceptance is paramount, alongside forgiveness, love and support. We are creating a place of relaxation, recuperation, rejuvenation and belonging. A place of trust and commitment in working alongside others to encourage empowerment. An environment that inspires learning and a sharing of skills and passions.
Horticultural Therapy
is the use of horticulture and its related activities as a meaningful activity to engage people, whilst tailoring those activities to best meet the needs of the individuals. It is shown to improve physical and mental well-being, increase self-efficacy (our ability to do and achieve), improve self-concept (how we feel about ourselves), increase social inclusion and develop life skills. It is well-researched with a solid evidence base and is now supported by a growing evidence base of other nature-based therapies developing around the world. Horticultural Therapists are trained to understand the evidence and work with individuals in ways that maximise the benefit of the activity to the individual therapeutic goal.
A typical day:
Get the fire going, the kettle on, have a catch up & a cuppa
Choose your activity and work for the morning, or you might just need a day wandering or sitting by the fire!
Stop, sit and enjoy a great lunch from freshly harvested food cooked on the campfire by some of the group
A bit of work after lunch
A tidy up and final chat before heading off
Activities include sowing, tending and harvesting, cooking lunch, grounds maintenance (digging, fencing, building raised beds, bonfires..) and a variety of craft and creative activities to improve the site…… plus any new ideas from anyone!